Corona virus: More than 900 deaths in a day in Italy

Italy has recorded 919 new coronavirus passings, its most noteworthy every day figure in the flare up until this point.
It implies 9,134 individuals have now kicked the bucket from the infection in the nation.
Prior World Health Organization boss Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said a "constant worldwide lack" of defensive gear was one of the "most earnest dangers" to the capacity to spare lives.
Italy is the most noticeably terrible influenced in Europe. Nearly everything has been shut and individuals advised to remain at home.
Prior on Friday, specialists cautioned that limitations were probably going to be reached out past 3 April.
What is the most recent from Italy?
The northern district of Lombardy, the hardest hit in the nation, saw a sharp increment in passings from Covid-19, the illness brought about by the infection. This followed a decrease on Thursday that had raised expectations the episode there could have topped.
There were 5,959 new cases across the nation - a somewhat lower increment than Thursday's figure. There has been a sum of almost 86,500 affirmed cases in the nation.
Fears are additionally developing of an expansion in cases in the more unfortunate south of the nation.
On Thursday Vincenzo De Luca, leader of the Campania area around Naples, said the focal government had not given guaranteed ventilators and other life-sparing hardware.
Now there is the genuine possibility that Lombardy's disaster is going to turn into the south's catastrophe,he said.
That day Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said all of Europe would be hit by a serious downturn. He guaranteed a subsequent improvement bundle for Italy worth in any event €25bn (£23bn; $27bn).
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